Availability is basically how easy it is to access and and navigate around your WordPress website. Your website’s availability (the speed of which it loads), is 100% affected by the web hosting platform you choose.
The coding of your website and by how it is viewed with all the devices users are visiting it.
Just a reminder: MindChip Industries recommends WordPress Dedicated Hosting, and develops all WordPress Websites to be device agnostic.
Visitors come to websites with specific goals in their heads, those goals don’t include checking out your web design skills. If your website design confuses visitors, it will require more time to find the information being looked for.
They might actually forget their the real reason altogether and leave your website.
In both cases, the visitors are leaving your website annoyed and frustrated. They will NOT be coming back. Clarity is the top tier core of web usability.
The learning process of users when visiting a new site. You might not feel that your website needs to be studied to be used. In reality, all websites require at least just a few seconds of assessment before interaction. It would be horrible if in those few seconds, your website is still loading.
The majority of all users will need to get back to your homepage, and most look for your logo in the top left corner of their screen. If your web usability works differently, a few seconds of learning the navigation to get back to your homepage will be needed.
When your website is designed for web usability, your developer / designer strives to keep this learning curve down to a minimal time.
Customers easily find the content they are looking for. They might not trust it. If they don’t trust it, the website is worse than useless for them. It is wasting their time.
There are several ways to demonstrate and display your credibility through your website design. Being transparent about your business and goals is one way. Displaying Google reviews, or other website reviews is another. Providing links to company up to date social media accounts is another way.
This is called Social Proof.
Relevance is the most difficult issue in web usability because it describes whether the content that your customers see on your site is engaging. Creating engaging content involves carefully defining your target audience, determining what they want, and meeting their needs as clearly as possible.
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